The Impact of Suicide on Families and Communities.


How do we react when we hear that someone has committed suicide?

For many of us, it’s a moment that freezes time. The shock hits first, forcing us to question ourselves quickly. How could this happen? Why didn’t we see it coming? This is how we react, when we face this harsh reality that someone we knew or within our community felt that their pain was too much to bear.

I remember the time when my 12th board examinations were underway, and in the midst of it all, a girl in my neighborhood-around my age- took her own life just one day before the examination. The news shook me deeply. It was unimaginable that someone facing the same stress and pressure as me could feel so overwhelmed that she saw no other way out. Even, I found it impossible to focus on my exam after hearing the news. My mind kept drifting back to her. Guess what- the day she ended her life, her family had a marriage planned. The contrast was heartbreaking. A day that was supposed to be filled with joy and unlimited celebration turned into grief and sorrow. Whenever I saw her mother, I could sense the pain she was living with. Despite the unbearable loss, she kept moving forward, still holding her family together and showing up for her remaining child. It was a heavy reminder that beneath the surface, many of us were carrying the silent battles that no one could see.

But if I, as an outsider, was this shaken, I couldn’t even begin to imagine what her family must be going through. Their entire world must have been turned upside down, facing not just the loss of a loved one but the overwhelming questions. Why? How things get to this point? Her near and dear ones started questioning themselves, were we not understanding enough? Could we have done more to help her share what she was going through? This self-blame can lead to the feelings of helplessness and despair, making it harder for the family to heal.

Even if her family are understanding and supportive, they may still have to deal with outside judgement that follows, with people suggesting, there must have been another issue, something deeper that drove her to this point. Her little sibling would have to grow up with this grief, with the loss of someone who should have been a lifelong companion and role model for him. How this incident would impact the mind of a little boy? Whether he would be able to come out of this trauma or not. The scars left by such a tragedy can last a lifetime. It becomes very difficult for the family, friends, neighbors or even other communities to pick up those shattered pieces.


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